“Only the Holy Spirit can purify the intellect, for unless a greater power comes and overthrows the despoiler, what he has taken captive will never be set free” -St. Diadochos of Photiki “Darkness can only be scattered by light, hatred…
I found out that all of us normal people usually have a type of spiritual, physiological and or psychological weakness that manifests as a fault that keeps repeating itself. I for one had suffered heavily at the hands of such…
John was in the desert, baptizing and preaching a baptism of repentance, as a remission of sins. And there went out to him all the region of Judea and all those of Jerusalem, and they were baptized by him in…
Maintaining a fervent prayer life has seemed quite difficult, especially to me and when I learned these three points I found them very very helpful in strengthening my prayer life. Please wait a little, the podcast audio player is going…
Just as he said: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life”; He is existence, and existence is not without the truth and truth not without existence, and existence not without the reason, and reason not without existence,…
I will be reviewing what I found out to be the biggest issue that makes prayer horrible for most Christians and what to do about it. Please wait a little, the podcast audio player is going to load below before…
For certainly, death came through a man. And so, the resurrection of the dead came through a man And just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be brought to life, (1 Corinthians 15,21-22) THE FALLEN…
Why did Jesus Christ have to die? Is God the father such an angry fellow that He cannot forgive us without somebody dying? or is there something else most of us Christians miss with regards to the gospel of Jesus…
“You greatly delude yourself and make a grave error, if you think that one thing is demanded from the layman and another from the monk;…For all must rise to the same height; and what has turned the world upside down…
Jesus said “be perfect”, was he being serious? So this is the first in my podcast series and I hope it’s going to be of value to you. Please wait a little, the podcast audio player is going to load…